Brainy Bunch News

Brainy Bunch News inspires you to learn and innovate with your group during important meetings.

The Brainy Bunch newsletter is published four times a year with interesting articles, tips, exclusive invitations and an overview of new episodes of Brainy Bunch TV. 

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Unlocking Advisory Board Value

Discover how to get the most out of your board of advisors. Explore actionable insights and unlock the full potential of your advisory team today.

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Tip from the Interpreter Booth

We are offering you an exclusive peek behind the scenes into how we continuously enhance the quality of our sessions. Our brilliant interpreter, Walaa, shared an invaluable tip. Make your next multilingual event run smoother than ever before.

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Rethinking Business Travel: Voices from Impactfest 2023

At ImpactFest 2023, professionals explored ways to connect and collaborate sustainably. Revolutionising online meetings and transferring power to local experts emerged as a key strategies to reduce travel.

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Opportunities for inclusion

The online setting provides an unprecedented opportunity to enhance diversity and create mass inclusion. This episode will help you make sure that every voice is heard.

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Meet the interpreters

What drives interpreters and how do you help them excel? Host inclusive online meetings for more impact, with the insights from Brainy Bunch TV.

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Avoid three pitfalls in your well prepared meetings

With three small tweaks, you can achieve better results during your online events. Try it yourself, and you will notice the difference.

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Be generous, set specific goals for your next event

With a bold and meaningful purpose it is easier to organise an excellent workshop or conference. Your meetings gain depth, too. How to do this?

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The magic of tailored online interpretation

What will happen if you tailor the translation of your international events to the specific needs of the participants? Your meetings will provide more joy and learnings.

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Presence to Connect

If your participants are answering their emails, they will not learn or own the solutions that are being developed. This article shows you how to enable everyone to be fully present at your next online event.

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Reading the Online Room

Get practical tips to find out what your online audience thinks and feels. It will help you innovate and create a sense of connection.

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What gave you all this energy?

A video recording of a participant explaining why the session that had just ended was the best she had experienced since Covid.

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Online interaction and serendipity with virtual reality

Dive into the world of avatars and motor boats to find out how your participants can interact in a spontaneous way during your next conference or fair. 

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Unboxing the Proof

Snail mail! After an extensive assessment, proof of certification from the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) arrived from Canada.

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